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The book I recommend to all my DNOM clients.

Recommended by a client for those with ignoring mothers.

This amazing book will help therapists and clients alike!

Also recommended by a client for escaping a narcissistic partner.

Help understanding BPD/EUPD/EDD.

Another book I recommend to all my clients. Brilliant for post relationship with a narcissist.

For those with the ignoring type mother.

Wonderfully helpful in understanding why we relate to some people in certain ways.

One of my all time favourite books. A must if you’ve experienced trauma.

I love this book! It’s also on audible, and it breaks down transactional analysis in a fun and light hearted way

Recommended by a client with CPTSD.
Helps support adrenal gland health & reduce fatigue. Promotes healthy cortisol levels. Promotes a sense of calm. May assist in stress reduction & adaptability

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