Changing Gears – Finding the balance between being and doing.

We have been very privileged to have been trained by the NHS to deliver a brilliant course based on the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. ACT is a behavioural therapeutic technique which differs from CBT because, instead of asking participants to dismiss or change difficult thoughts, it accepts and notices them, allowing all parts of self to exist.

ACT helps participants understand what their personal intrinsic values are, thereby providing meaning and vitality to their lives, and as such increasing their sense of wellbeing and drive.

It is an empirically based model, and has been repeatedly shown to improve mental health and wellbeing through extensive and ongoing research.

The ACT Workshop is 4 modules long, each lasting approximately 4 hours. They workshops are interactive and engaging, and invite self reflection and understanding, as well as skills and techniques to help enable the meaningful life goal.

Ideally each module is run a week apart and participants attend each module to get the biggest benefit.

For more information or to book this course please email us, or call 07766 754824.