

I’ve been putting this off, but it’s time to talk about procrastination. (I’m SORRY!!!) 

Okay, so here’s the thing. I’ve been putting off a job that is crucial to my work. One of those things that I hate doing but I HAVE to do. And then today, I did it. It took 20 minutes, and a bit of brain power. I put on a bit of music and just knuckled down. 

The relief is huge! I have absolutely no doubt that I will sleep much better for it tonight, because even though it wasn’t feeling like a massive pressure, it was on my to do list, and those things niggle. The occasional wash of guilt, and perhaps a bit of shame because I haven’t done it won’t happen anymore. 

And now, having done it, on the other side of the obstacle I sit back and wonder why on earth it took so long for me to do it. 


This is such a common problem many people face. Putting something off until the last minute only to be disappointed or massively stressed by the production of whatever it is a common pattern and cycle for many. 

Let’s look at how procrastination transpires in our behaviour:

Avoidance – pretending it isn’t there at all, going as far as to avoid a location associated with the task. 
Denial – pretending that we aren’t actually procrastinating, and the Tesco order is MUCH more important than the task I’m avoiding!
Trivialisation – It’s not THAT important!
Distraction – hello Facebook!
Blaming – i.e. blaming external sources for reasons we couldn’t have started. 
Humour – ‘I’m doing a Helen and leaving it all to the last minute ha ha!!’

For what it’s worth, to me, all the behaviours add up to the sum of avoidance, and when we are avoiding, we are usually scared. 

So what on earth are we so afraid of? Why on earth do we do it to ourselves? Why do we spend so much energy avoiding a task we want to do, and then berate us for not doing it well enough. 

There are a few answers, but the answer I find resonates most often is pretty simple, but often surprises people. 


If we struggle with perfectionism, we can sometimes put the task off and off for fear of not doing it perfectly, and thereby embarrassing or shaming ourselves over our effort. We then delay the start over and over again, until we’re at a point where we have to start and then we have to rush, and so inevitably our task isn’t completed to the standard we want it to, and so we fulfil our self-prophecy of not being ‘good enough’. 

It’s sneaky isn’t it?!

Ultimately, it’s about avoidance of negative feelings. We use procrastination to avoid feeling the stress associated with the task. However, this is (as I’m sure you realise!) totally self-defeating, because as a result of our continued avoidance, we end up being even MORE stressed than if we had just taken the task in hand and dealt with it in bite sized chunks and completed it in a timely fashion. 

And when we are striving for perfection, we are ALWAYS disappointed. We are always confirming the ‘learned from somewhere’ narrative that we aren’t good enough. Humans have a funny way of trying to keep themselves very safe by confirming what they know to be true, even if it’s something horrible. So, for example if your narrative is believing you are an unlucky person, you will tend to only focus or ‘see’ the times you were unlucky, rather than the times you’ve been lucky too. Derren Brown did a brilliant show about this where he proved it was a matter of looking for the luck. I’ll see if I can find a link. 

Anyway. So now we understand WHY we might procrastinate, what do we do about it?! 

The biggest indicator for combating procrastination is self-awareness. Understanding why we are avoiding, and what we are avoiding is key to being able to start. Another big thing is to be honest with ourselves when we are avoiding. Are we making excuses? Are we being defensive? Are we justifying? 

If we know we are scared of failing, we acknowledge that, and try and lower our expectations so we aren’t being self-punishing. Accepting our fears and having compassion towards ourselves is vital, 

Then if we can try and set realistic goals, we are more likely to meet them. I’ve spoken about this before in the motivation blog, but if you can even commit to working just one minute on the specific task, it will help. Break it down so it’s manageable and you’re not overwhelmed by the huge task. 

And REWARD yourself! Find something that you enjoy that gives you pleasure that you can use to reward yourself (caveat: without self-sabotaging!!) 

Every tiny step you’ve taken is a step forward. Even when it looks like a step back, it’s still a step forward!

When I was doing my masters, I can’t tell you how many academic papers I read (SO DRY!) that I would get to the end of, and think ‘well that was a waste of time’. But it wasn’t! It meant I was one step closer to finding something I needed, and it meant that my knowledge had expanded regardless of whether it was applicable in that moment. 

Forgive yourself when you stop, get distracted or forget. It’s okay. It doesn’t matter, just go back to the baby steps and do what you can. 

If it’s a task like a presentation etc, then plan plan plan. Put some time management in. Work out mini deadlines. And reward yourself when you hit them. 

Remember when we are defending, we need to start reflecting. As I’ve said. the most important and useful tool I could offer you in beating procrastination is self-awareness. Keep trying to dig out why you aren’t managing, what you’re avoiding, and work out your biggest fears, then ask how you can prevent them being realised. 

And know this. You are HUMAN. It is part of the human condition to avoid fear and pain. We all do it. 

It’s taken me about 3 weeks to write this blog. I normally knock a blog out in about 10 minutes. I very rarely edit them. I spend more time looking for an appropriate meme or quote to go with the content. And yet here I am. Finishing this never-ending blog after setting myself a target and holding myself to it by committing to you guys. Thanks for holding me accountable, even if you didn’t know that’s what you were doing. 

Have a great evening, and if you’re reading this and thinking ‘oh god, I should really get on with xxxxxx’, what’s holding you back?!

Take care, 
PS, I hope you like the meme!


Valuing the right person


I read this and thought YES!!! Exactly! And then something niggled. And as I’ve learned to do, I stopped and let the niggle grow. Instead of squishing it down I listened.

And here’s what that was about.

When we allow our worth to be determined by others, it will never be enough. Constantly looking to or for others to recognise our worth disempowers us and empowers those around us.

Particularly when there are those struggling with their own insecurities and issues they might hide by behaving in a way that belittles and demeans us.

And so whilst the first part of this statement is true, and we should forget trying to be enough for those who won’t ever value us; and even though the second part is true too, it’s not someone else who gets to say you at your worst is enough.

Measuring our self worth using someone else’s barometer means we don’t always know what the temperature is. We don’t know how we are doing and we are using someone else’s tool to know ourselves.

So make sure that the right person is measuring your self worth, because they hold the key to your confidence, self esteem and resilience.

Make sure that the person measuring you at your worst knows that your flaws are what make you imperfectly perfect. Your down days only serve to feed your up days. Your needs, desires, loves and dislikes are all what makes up the wonderful uniqueness of you.

Make sure that person measuring you sees that you are more than so called positive character attributes, and that sometimes your ‘weaknesses’ facilitate your greatest strengths. For example, your depression or anxiety might make some people stigmatise you, but those things enable huge compassion, kindness and empathy for others.

Make sure that the person measuring you recognised that your bent to impatience is what drives you being the person to get something done, and your pedantry means you never miss a train/plane/automobile.

Make sure the person measuring you understand that to measure you is to know that nothing about you stands in isolation. You are a sum of all parts and the sum adds up to a whole.

Make sure they truly see you. Because the only the right person can do all those things. Only they can see the whole picture.

And guess what? Spoiler alert!

The right person is you.

#therapy #selfworth #loveyourself


Divorce isn’t failure. It’s success.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently. Not for me, but for a couple of people nearby.

The word I hear so often when it comes to the end of a relationship is ‘failure’.


The WHOLE relationship was a failure?

I can’t believe that, because you would never have married them or stayed with them this long.

A relationship hasn’t failed because it’s ended. It’s just ended. We can be so quick to mark something failed because it’s ended. Even businesses or being fired from a job. We forget to look at all the good things that happened up until that point. We forget that there’s two people (typically) in a relationship and BOTH are responsible for making it work.

Any kind of relationship, whether romantic or otherwise does not depend solely on one person to invest in, aside from the first few years of parenting I suppose.

The end of something does not deem it a failure. Where you have chosen to leave a marriage or relationship because you are no longer happy, loved, cherished and having needs met, you haven’t failed.

In my opinion you’ve succeeded.

You’ve stood up and demanded more for yourself. You’ve recognised your self worth, your value and your needs.

You have empowered yourself to lift your head from the sand and look at what’s wrong and if it’s salvageable and you have faced the brutal reality that it isn’t. You are looking change square in the eye, something every single person I’ve met dislikes to one degree or another, (it’s to do with evolution but that’s another post!) and asked it to enter your life.

You’ve stepped out of a comfort zone and into a wilderness of break up, with all the financial insecurity, change in living situation that brings.

You’ve relinquished an uncomfortable comfort and acknowledged that rubbing along or moments of good isn’t enough, and that being single is better than being partnered.

If that doesn’t make you the one of the bravest badasses in the world I don’t know what will.

And you may be reading this blog thinking I didn’t choose it, they did. This doesn’t apply to me. I’m the one rejected. I don’t want to step out of the comfort zone, it was forced upon me and I don’t know what I did wrong etc.

Let me tell you this. If that’s you, if you are nursing rejecting and wounding, if you have been blindsided by a break up; you are the biggest badass that existed. Because you have been forced into a period of hurt and healing, but more importantly reflection. Looking at the relationship for clues of the intention. Was everything as rosy as you thought or were there signs?

And you’re going to face those questions, and they’re going to hurt potentially, but you know what? You’re going to rise up knowing you deserve more. You deserve value and you deserve to be cherished too.

We all do.

Of course this isn’t a black and white subject, but with all relationship breakdowns, we have to look at our own behaviour and be honest with ourselves. What can we learn from it? What can we take forward into a new relationship and what can we leave behind? Do we need to go to therapy to understand our relational patterns so we don’t repeat a cycle? What change must we implement?

For me, the end of your relationship isn’t a failure. It has the potential to be the greatest success you’ve ever known.

Take care

H x